Be a great witness for Christ

Be a great witness for Christ

While studying the temperament of the ocean, a surfer found a time to reflect on the mighty power of God. After surfing for a while, his great day turns into tragedy. Acts 22:11-15 (NASB) 11 But since I could not see because of the brightness of that light, I was led by the hand by […]
One thing you are lacking

One thing you are lacking

Pastor Paul Karanick Mark 10:17-24 (NASB) As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him and knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God […]
Stop at yard sales

Stop at yard sales

Sharon’s mom was an expert at finding bargains at yard sales. But Sharon thinks her mom may have lost her mind when she purchased an old ugly table for their main dining room table. “Then the Lord said to me, “Go again, love a woman who is loved by her husband, yet an adulteress, even […]
The Peace of God

The Peace of God

Story-line: W.T. is 24 years old and is in the United States Navy, stationed in Hawaii. He decides to learn how to surf. After several failed attempts, he becomes tired and falls asleep on the surfboard. When he finally wakes up, he is nearly two miles from land and a storm is coming in quickly. […]
Doubting to Believing

Doubting to Believing

The first disciples of Jesus Christ are great examples for us, not only in following Christ, but also in how Christ reacts to our failures. After three years of following Christ, the disciples still made some major mistakes, yet Christ loved and encouraged them even with the let-downs. This is great for us to understand […]
Was Jesus unable to heal the blind man?

Was Jesus unable to heal the blind man?

Did Jesus fail on this miracle? I suppose it depends on who you ask and what they understand about God’s Word. At first glance, you could easily assess that Jesus may have had a problem with this miracle, but once you read the way that Mark placed this in order, it makes much more sense […]
The Truth Will Make You Free

The Truth Will Make You Free

Lauren had a family secret that she hid for many years. It truly effected her life, but it wasn’t until she came to grips with the reality of her family past that led her to a life of freedom. John 8:32-38 NASB So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you […]
God has a plan, just follow the dots

God has a plan, just follow the dots

Getting stuck in Alabama was not what Danita and her husband had planned. In fact, it was just going to be a for a short business trip. Her production company had a gig for her in Alabama and then she would return home to Ohio. Did I mention she was 32 weeks pregnant? The babies […]
Even if God Doesn’t Rescue Me

Even if God Doesn’t Rescue Me

What it must have been like to stand before Nebuchadnezzar and not bow as being requested. The three Hebrew boys loved their God and would not worship anyone or anything else. Their faith was evident in their stance against Nebuchadnezzar who had threatened them with death in the fiery furnace. No matter what the consequences, […]
Gathering Alligator Eggs

Gathering Alligator Eggs

Robert volunteers to gather alligator eggs. Seriously? Who volunteers for this? Robert needed someone to help him, distract the momma alligators, so he called his own brother. All his brother had to do was tap the momma alligator on its snout with a long stick. LOL! This just seems like it would always end in […]
Be Born Again

Be Born Again

Jesus tells us exactly what we must do to enter into Heaven. Eternity is where we all will exist after we die in this life. Some of us will enter into Eternity and live with the Father in Heaven. Not all will enter Heaven. It is time that we share the Good news with everyone; […]

Streaming now

Stanton Lighthouse Church continual broadcast on YouTube and Facebook. Connecting with the community and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bible teachings, study and worship all online 24/7. We have designed this broadcast to fit any lifestyle schedule. Not everyone can attend a church service or Bible Study on Sundays and Wednesdays. We designed a […]
Expectation VS God’s Plan

Expectation VS God’s Plan

For about three years, the disciples followed Jesus Christ and then they witnessed him die on a cross. Can you imagine the let-down they must have felt as the one that they believed would be their Savior is now dead and hanging on a cross? They had great expectations for what Jesus was going to […]
Strive to be a Healthy Christian

Strive to be a Healthy Christian

My wife and I went on a trip to an island that was known for where sea turtles would lay their eggs. In addition to seeing turtles lay their eggs, we also get to hand-release newly hatched turtles into the ocean for the first time. The survival rate of these turtles is fairly low and […]
Enjoy! Then Praise God

Enjoy! Then Praise God

Have you ever forgotten to pray before you eat a meal? There’s a Bible verse for that! It may not be what you are expecting though. God actually tells the people to go and enjoy the land that He has given them, eat the wonderful food that He has provided and then praise Him for […]
Unstoppable Love!

Unstoppable Love!

We have all done something in our past that we regret. Many times it results in unbearable shame and guilt, especially when we have hurt someone else. As teenagers, many of us have said hateful things to our parents, that we often regret later on. Roberta had a disease that dis-formed her body and caused […]
4 Works of the Holy Spirit

4 Works of the Holy Spirit

Terry, his uncle Larry, and his cousin Ted are heading to a 4 thousand acre ranch to go turkey hunting. A fire (Oklahoma 2018) almost spoils their plans, but it is at least 50 miles away, so the expedition continues. Ande, Terry’s wife, is concerned about the fire and calls to make sure that the […]
Be Angry, Sin not

Be Angry, Sin not

Christians are called to live a different life than the rest of the world. Christ gave us a great example to live by, yet we see many Christians living their life extremely different than the one that Christ set before us. The Bible tells us that we become a new creation once we become followers […]


1Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; Praise Him in the heights! 2Praise Him, all His angels; Praise Him, all His hosts! 3Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all stars of light! 4Praise Him, highest heavens, And the waters that are above the heavens! 5Let them praise the name of the Lord, […]
Pirates, PTSD, & Prayer

Pirates, PTSD, & Prayer

Wren was diagnosed with PTSD. After several failed medical treatments, he began to search the internet for alternative treatments. He found a man that trains service animals specifically for people with PTSD. This could be the answer he was praying for, at least he hoped so. Philippians 4:6 (NASB) Be anxious for nothing, but in […]